Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy is provided to students in order to facilitate improved classroom participation. Therapeutic exercises are performed to strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, and improve functional level. Gross motor activities are provided to improve balance and endurance. Direct individual sessions are provided; therapeutic activities are integrated into classroom programs.
Orthotics Clinic
The Orthotics Clinic provides students with the opportunity to have a gait evaluation to determine if an orthotic would be beneficial in improving the student’s gait pattern. The orthotist from Sheck & Siress along with the Physical Therapist confer with the doctor in obtaining the proper orthotic. The custom made braces are then molded by an orthotist during the clinic. Students receive the new braces here at school. Physical Therapists work with the classroom staff to introduce these braces to the student. Tolerance to the braces is supervised by the Physical Therapist. Braces are monitored and can be adjusted or replaced according to the student’s needs/growth.
Wheelchair Clinic
The Wheelchair Clinic offers students the opportunity to be evaluated and fitted for new wheelchairs and mobility equipment within the school setting. In conjunction with a wheelchair specialist, students are seen for repairs and adjustments as needed. Physical Therapists work with students to evaluate their functional level, mobility and postural needs. This clinic allows students to receive their new wheelchair, or have repairs made right on campus.